ACG Azure Resume Challenge

ACG Azure Resume Challenge

I recently completed the ACG Azure Resume Challenge and wanted to write a quick overview of my thoughts on the challenge:

There were some great resources out there that helped me get through my issues. Below is a list of those resources:

For me the most challenging parts were the following:

  1. Figuring out the login for my custom domain to create the CNAME record :)
  2. Configuring and integrating Visual Studio Code and GitHub. My biggest issue here was getting the local files and online repo synced for the first time. After that leveraging the GitHub workflows made the process very easy to keep everything synced.
  3. Creating the Function and the Javascript to retrieve the information into the webpage. Configuring the HTTP Trigger to update the database wasn't too bad but the code to integrate the response into the HTML webpage took a lot longer than I had anticipated. Learning new debug tools and reading logs helped a lot but JavaScript isn't something I work with every day.

I'm looking forward to future projects and updating this resume with new content and skills now that I have a modular template to work from.